India and Nepal share a rich history of football encounters spanning several decades. Their first official meeting occurred on December 20, 1985, during the South Asian Federation Games held in Dhaka, Bangladesh. This initial clash resulted in a draw, laying the foundation for an intriguing rivalry to unfold.
Since then, India has emerged victorious in eight more SAFF Championship titles, while Nepal has yet to claim the championship. In their most recent ten matches, India has prevailed in seven, two have ended in draws, and Nepal has secured one victory.
During the 2021 SAFF Championship, hosted by India, the defending champions showcased their dominance with a commanding 3-0 triumph over Nepal, securing their eighth title. This victory highlighted India's ability to excel in high-stakes matches and underscored their supremacy in the tournament.
Throughout the years, India has maintained a strong record against Nepal, having encountered each other in various competitions such as the SAFF Championship, Asian Games, and friendlies. The head-to-head statistics overwhelmingly favor India, with the team consistently asserting its superiority. However, it is important to acknowledge that Nepal has displayed moments of brilliance in certain matches, often pushing their Indian counterparts to their limits.