The SAFF Championship, also known as the South Asian Football Federation Championship, is a biennial football tournament held among the national teams of South Asian countries. The South Asian Football Federation (SAFF) organizes the championship, which aims to promote football and strengthen ties among the member nations.
The SAFF Championship was first held in 1993, and since then, it has become a popular football tournament in the region. The participating countries include Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, the Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. Afghanistan was also a member but later joined the Central Asian Football Association.
The tournament follows a round-robin format, with teams divided into two groups. The top teams from each group advance to the knockout stage, which includes semi-finals and a final. Matches are played in different host countries throughout the region.
Over the years, the SAFF Championship has seen varying degrees of success for different nations. India has been one of the most successful teams, winning the tournament multiple times. Other strong contenders include the Maldives and Nepal, who have also enjoyed success in the championship.
The SAFF Championship provides an opportunity for South Asian footballers to showcase their skills and compete against their regional rivals. It helps in the development of football infrastructure, talent, and the overall growth of the sport in the participating countries.